Belladonna of Sadness 哀しみのベラドンナ


(19/1 update: 整左個書面語版本, 不懂廣東話人士請看: link)

Belladonna of sadness (original:哀しみのベラドンナ, 中譯:悲傷的貝拉朵娜)係非常早期嘅anime。用依家嘅眼光,最remarkable係佢由手塚治虫嘅動畫公司製作,山本暎一執導。Errr,約略涉獵過早年漫畫scene嘅我必須要講,手塚治虫漫畫之神個名係後來加俾佢,同埋只可以套用係主流漫畫;真正應該點名果位,係協助作畫嘅林靜一。西方世界想係近代中國搵oriental beauty,佢地只會搵到表面係女人戲實則depict封建制度嘅作品,變左China Study;而林靜一真正將成個舞台交左俾女人—-老實講我係睇唔明的—-佢筆下嘅女人迷人程度超乎想象。另一位美術監督深井国,翻查Wiki佢同拓植義春住埋一齊fd過打band… 成個60-70年代大師級譜系出晒黎。

言歸正傳,本身我對手塚治虫嘅anime冇乜興趣(網上嘅簡介完全冇提林靜一個名,如果知有佢份我一早睇左),但見到我好欣賞嘅漫評人形容呢出戲”grotesque yet brilliant”,又好想睇睇…… 終於,係冇交電話費俾人cut電話同上網,而老公又ot到深夜果陣睇左。以下係睇戲筆記。


當年(1973)似乎未有真正意義嘅anime,畫面唔係每秒24格嘅motion picture,大部份時間係一卷長長嘅靜止水彩畫,鏡頭由一個scene移去下一個scene。水彩畫簡直係一絕!用色唔似其他果個年代嘅anime同電影,相信2016年將佢數碼化及後製嘅公司Cinelicious都付出唔少心血。故事嘅講述我會形容為minimal(因為近排呢個字好hit),只有為數唔多嘅對話,輔以零碎歌詞同旁白。我最鍾意一幕,Jeanne一個人洗擦身體。前一刻仲係絕色水彩,下一秒變左灰暗失真粗顆粒畫面,明明好靜,又好似聽到white noise一樣Jeanne心入面各種聲音蠢蠢欲動。到呢一刻我回想起都唔sure係咪真係有加background noise。

劇情就咁講出黎好似寓言咁簡單。有強權作惡但仇恨元素缺席,迴避左一般男人戲果種「復仇之路」格局。世界觀相當完整,有代表God and the Authority嘅the Lord,以及企係對立面嘅Satan,有善良而平庸又怕事嘅丈夫,仲有最重要嘅主角Jeanne—-佢只係一個擁有出眾美貌嘅普通人。佢受到Satan庇佑,但唔係得到力量隨心所欲想點就點—-Satan只係救佢免於一死,and excites her。
一面睇一面覺得Jeanne好adorable,但搵唔到用邊一個普世價值字眼足以形容。直到尾聲,班村民—-大部份時間默默飾演background decoration—-終於表露不滿,畫面展示Liberty Leading the People以及預示the start of French Revolution ,我先諗到,可以形容Jeanne嘅字眼係「自由」,both mentally and physically。哪怕明知要招致厄運,依然忠於自己。

(!, 肯定係中文世界太多噪音將呢個字眼同大陸嘅「電子監控、新彊集中營」對立,令我唔記得左佢本身係點解。)


Jeanne指嘅原來係聖女貞德(French: Jeanne d’Arc)。我事前唔知(見開Joan of Arc)。四両撥千斤咁掃除左一d性別定位,好聰明。

必須要提到入面大量disturbing sex scenes,仲有一場rape scene。d情緒表達得好accurate。好在細個on99走去睇獵奇漫畫,再disturbing都完全免疫。講開又講,寫女人寫得好嘅作品,基本都包含大量sex scenes,簡直係指定動作。(唔好聯想到村上春樹,佢唔識寫女人的)

據說本片係面向Art students嘅作品,唔知係佢地眼中出戲會係點樣? Other than that,我唔推薦冇睇開anime或者漫畫嘅人睇呢出戲。我覺得佢嘅吸引力唔太universal。


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[1] 本片 Wiki page
[2] 本片IMDB page
[3] 林静一 Wiki page
[4] 日本原版Trailer
[5] 2016年重製4K版本Trailer by Cinelicious Pics


2 thoughts on “Belladonna of Sadness 哀しみのベラドンナ

  1. You spent hours discuss this to me but only replied 5 words!
    Ok, let me do the copy and paste.

    *** *** ***
    (notes: words in “//” are from me)

    I watch the anime you review in your blog

    /Do you like it/
    Very imaginative and stylish in some scenes

    Mind are capable of becoming much more 変態 and erotic than mere flesh
    Can one says the protagonist 成也女人敗也女人?
    Because she 心軟 in the end and go to see the man with some sticks in his head (the ruler)

    The “women marching to palace” event and “liberty leading the people” are actually two different revolutions
    The former are the most impactful one

    17 century New England colonies kill many women as well
    I think the cold blooded politics, the affairs of public realm probably leave no room for feminine compassion, like going around telling people some Arabian kids are suffering
    And what appears to evil and brutal in private sphere maybe public virtue

    The anime are probably about おんな woman and their 慘慘 life
    Not struggle for mastery for something which I as a ugly おとこ concern
    I think only woman can think they can become “dirty” (no in the scene of hygiene and health) because of certain act

    But typically males won’t think they can become “dirty”

    You know Klimt?
    fin de siecle

    /I think sex scene is the feminine way of how the mental power dominate the world/
    It’s why you say males can’t understand how women gain back their rights?

    /Why you only comment in 5 words/
    I actually thought of another comment about the part you explain why you watch it
    “I visualized a bored 若妻 waiting her husband to return from 仕事”

    /I watched the anime on Monday. Initially I plan write the review in more feminist view, that the huge amount of sex scenes (tho they’re amazing) is the lack of imagination of language of female. It’s super common among those Mangakas in 60-70s. But I just had the plan in mind, I suddenly feel it disgusts me writing such “male don’t understand female” text./

    What do you mean by lack of imagination of language of
    Do you know why goddess exposes her breast?

    /That they can’t think of the way female would act without those patriarchy logic/

    It can be simple
    The painter wants to see it
    There is entire scope of painter are dedicate to this in 19 century, drawing women’s body. It’s call orientalism
    They usually Arabian or Turkish women bathing naked, of course
    From a 偷窺 peeping view
    Men are simple, they don’t see so many things from erotic and sexual scenes

    /They can’t think of the way female would act without those patriarchy logic/
    So they probably never plan this
    Just want to add some erotic scenes
    No meaning

    The anime reminds me one of the earliest Frankish king Louis III
    He find a woman on street one day and chase her on horse, the woman become scare and run back to her dad’s house. When chasing her Louis III pass a gate, but he bang his head on 門粱, died immediately.
    But people won’t say he is wicked men
    They remember him as talented general for his successful campaign against Vikings

    Don’t you see a man’s two faces? As long as you are good in the theater (public affairs) your private vices will be forgotten
    大英百科全書 don’t even record this, only saying the energetic king died young

    /Do you think it’s western culture only
    But this age ppl more love talk about president scandals/

    It will go away
    Nicholas II, the last tsar, a good father husband become object of mockery even before his dead
    They call him “la petit vater”
    They say he is too willing listen to his German wife’s advices, some of which quite bad for example letting a mad monk that claims he can cure his son run the country and running around the place raping some women

    /Did ppl claim that German wife is a witch/

    They say she bring bad luck to Russia
    But the mad monk is very mad as well

    Yesterday I read that when Tiberius get rid of his chief of Praetorian Guard, he hang his daughter as well
    When they discovered his daughter is a virgin they he decide to rape her first as Roman law forbade the punishment of a virgin

    I mean Tiberius order people rape her first

    /What’s the Roman law base on/
    Roman is the foundation of all existing 成文法 or the other name Continental law

say something!