
我(rock music系)向來好少睇樂評,叫得出名嘅樂評人係袁智聰(暴露年齡…)。袁因為聽得多、記性好、份人好humble,除左音樂本身,好多讀者當佢係朋友咁有種attachment。我記得佢淡出之後,網上有人八卦佢依家做緊乜?又有人傳話佢結左婚,好多人reply(包括我)話蹬佢開心

佢文中嘅音樂譜系、花邊新聞係最好睇,最valuable(不過唔熟嘅人睇就得一堆name dropping, not beginner friendly )。咁多年黎持續咁聽new release或者去睇live,佢文字入面有真實嘅passion,呢部分都好睇。而寫音樂嘅部份就,我會形容做「提供唔到閱讀快感」。但音樂本身就係用黎聽唔係用黎睇,呢個唔係投訴黎

我所知道呢個世界上存在嘅,最耀眼嘅樂評,係挪威音樂記者Mari Myren第一次聽Mogwai嘅live之後寫。後來Mogwai將呢段文字放左係一首歌嘅intro,song title: Yes! I am a long way from home,我有果隻cd,通常我叫佢「富士銀行」,唔特別睇都唔記得叫Young Team。Mogwai另外有首歌係feature Iggy Pop嘅interview footage,我都好鍾意,song title: Punk Rock

我自己有為鍾意嘅musician寫過文,比起寫音樂簡單好多。仲試過用album title作故仔,充滿樂趣。俾音樂包圍住咁成長太美好


“‘Cause this music can put a human being in a trance like state and deprive it for the sneaking feeling of existing. ‘Cause music is bigger than words and wider than pictures. If someone said that Mogwai are the stars I would not object. If the stars had a sound it would sound like this. The punishment for these solemn words can be hard. Can blood boil like this at the sound of a noisy tape that I’ve heard. I know one thing. On Saturday, the sky will crumble together (or something) with a huge bang to fit into the cave.”

by Mari Myren

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